Fuel-related issues are a surprising yet prevalent cause of engine failures. In today's blog, we'll explore effective ways to prevent these problems from occurring in the future.

Fuel Has a Limited Shelf Life of 30 Days

It may come as a shock, but fuel has a relatively short shelf life of just 30 days. Whether it's stored in a fuel can or inside your mower, the volatile components in the fuel start to deteriorate after this period. As fuel evaporates, it leaves behind sticky residues that can harden and block fuel lines and carburetors. When your fuel system is compromised, your engine's performance can suffer significantly, leading to issues like surging, loss of power, or even failure to start.

Choosing the Right Fuel

Unless the engine manufacturer specifies otherwise, standard 91-octane unleaded fuel is generally the best choice for small petrol engines. It's crucial to purchase fuel from reputable and well-known companies. Larger petroleum companies typically adhere to strict quality control measures, ensuring that their product meets all required standards and specifications.

Ethanol Fuel Considerations

Ethanol, a renewable fuel made from various plant materials, is commonly referred to as E10 in Australia. However, fuel with a high ethanol content can absorb water, potentially damaging your fuel system and causing corrosion. To avoid these issues, it's advisable to stick with standard 91-octane unleaded fuel rather than opting for ethanol-based fuels.

Preserving Fuel Freshness

Keeping your fuel fresh is a straightforward process: add a fuel stabiliser. Whenever you fill up your tank or fuel can with fresh fuel, simply mix in a fuel stabilizer. This additive serves multiple purposes: it slows down the evaporation rate of fuel compounds and prevents the absorption of moisture from the air. As a result, a fuel stabilizer can extend the shelf life of your fuel, keeping it from going bad for up to 36 months.